The Universe and Beyond

By Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

          Stars. Galaxies. Black holes. Universe. Multiverse. Imagine that you are here, and you are also not here. Multiple dimensions. Creating our own realities. Living in the exact moment without past and future. Imagine the color of love, the color of healing and the color of protection. What colors and feelings would it be for you? What do those words and feelings mean for you and the people around you? What if you can send love, caring, compassion, support, protection, joy and healing to anyone at any time? How does that possibility makes you feel? There is no downside. Just joy.

            Color of love is a light pink for me like rose quartz, gentle yet beautiful and powerful color with healing powers. I see healing as a medium blue color that is the combination of the deep sea and the sky. I see protection as a combination of white and gold colors with healing crystals embedded into them. It helps if you hold a crystal or quartz that feels right for you.

            Imagine sending love to the world you live in and beyond as far as your imagination lets you go. How would you do this? Imagine the same with healing and protection. Sending healing and protection to the whole world and beyond to everything you know and do it without any questions and without wanting anything in return. Try it. Take a few deep breath, relax and think of the person or area where you would want to send love, joy, healing, or protection and just send it in any shape, color or form that is right for you. How did that make you feel? The more you practice the easier it gets. Let the imagination flow. Think outside of the box. Have fun and love, heal, and protect the world. You are more powerful than you think.

            Let me know how this works for you.


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