
It was an early spring day, she was standing there, her hair down, slight wind in the air. It was a parking lot. A place where many people come and go. She was looking at me and I was looking at her. A secret glimpse. The drive was not easy. I was sitting in the back seat, to her right and I know that here I am, and yet, I am about to leaving again in a few moments. My emotions were up on the car ceiling. The world felt like it was spinning around me. Two weeks flew by so quickly, it was just not enough time. I appreciated every moment. This was 2 years ago. There was no need to say any words. I could see it in her eyes, the movements in her body, the unspoken words, I knew that my tears will follow. The truth of deep love and caring for each other. It is hard to say goodby when you do not know when it will be again to see your mother, and as a mother to see your child and let them go again. It might have been a normal day for everyone else. Not for me, and not for her. There was an understanding between us that only a mother and a child can feel. A bond that forms while in the womb and gets stronger while growing up. There are moments that are wonderful and moments that we tend to forget. The last moments for me were in the airport saying goodby.

I talk to my mother often. It is not the same. Especially now. The borders are closed and I can not even go to see her even if I would want to go. She is thousands of miles away, yet she is with me all the time. There are many times when I think : ” What would my mother say now? What would she tell me to do?”. Even if she would live close by today, I could only see her from far apart and could not hug her, hold her, or be close to her. It is certainly a difficult time for mother’s day. I am grateful for all the mothers. Not just the human ones. I am amazed by all the wonderful mothers of the animal kingdom as well. I am also very grateful for all the step mothers, adopting mothers, grandmothers and sisters, foster parents and the list go on and on. I am grateful for everyone who takes care of others. When I think of mothers I also think of “mother nature” and I am grateful that there is air that is breathable and food that is edible and natural elements that can be used to provide housing. I am grateful for all the wonders of the world. I hope that all of the mothers and children out there will be able to connect today and keep in touch through tough times like this pandemic.

I hope that I can see my mother and my children again in person. Today, I also want to thank for all the people who are working on that solution to make connections possible again, and all the people who are social distancing and wearing protective masks to protect themselves and others. Many people who had died in the past months because of the coronavirus are older, many of them must be mothers. I thank all of you who tried and keep trying to keep them safe. It is definitely a unique and different mothers day that I had not seen before. The best anyone can do for their mother is to stay away and wish happy mothers day from at least 6 feet. I think mothers day is a nice tradition, on the other hand I appreciate my mother every day. I am grateful for each day we are both on this earth. Mom, thank you. Love you.

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Nancy Kroll
Nancy Kroll
3 years ago

Very poignant. Spoken from the heart. You summed it up succinctly.
Happen Mother’s Day to you and your mom.
Thanks for sharing this.

3 years ago

Wow Gabi ! this is heartwarming .
Happy mother’s day my friend 💜💗💞

3 years ago

Very moving. Hope everyone in your world is safe and well.

3 years ago

Wow, that brought me to tears. Your writing is certainly captivating and evocative of raw emotion and vivid imagery. Thank you for sharing, and for being a “mother” to so many humans, animals and plants.

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