The Day The Snake Disappeared

Fun stories from my mom

by Gabriella

When my mom was telling me this story, I was so intrigued that I wanted to share it with you. Just to clear the air: No snake got harmed in this story.

My uncles brought home a snake from a field trip. This was not unusual. There was always some kind of animal at the house. My mom had already moved out and had her place. On one of the occasions when she went to their condo to visit them, she come upon these events. Her twin teen brothers Józsika and Attila were telling her:” come on sis come and look at the snake we got”.

Let me just tell you my mom was not delighted. Although she was not super excited about the idea, she did decide to go to take a look at what they got. After of course some reassurances that the snake is safe in a tank.

Well, I can already see your wills turning and you are right.

When she got to the room the tank where the snake was supposed to be was empty. Imagine a snake on the loose. Now what? They had to find the snake. The search party began. The two boys, mom, and my grandmother were on the hunt for a snake. The snake was about 20 to 25 cm long. (8 to 10 inches). They were never able to identify what type of a snake it was.

They had searched everywhere and could not find the snake. They had kept searching for a long time.

Where could the snake go? They lived in a 4 story building on the third floor. No snake anywhere to be found. Everyone kept on searching for the snake and come up empty-handed.

What can you do when you know that there is a snake somewhere, but you cannot find it? How do you sleep at night? I can see my mother and grandmother rolling their eyes. “Great, now we have a loose snake”.

The snake disappeared. They could not find it anywhere. It became a mystery. After multiple searches, they gave up on finding the snake. Nobody thought that they will ever see the snake again. They taught that the snake probably somehow escaped and made it outside.

Now we are fast-forwarding time and jumping through a time machine.

Six months later there was painting in the condo. As you can imagine with the painting you move any furniture and paint the walls behind.

You have guessed right. Well, there he was. The lost and now found: a snake. Behind a big cabinet minding his own business.

My mom was puzzled how the snake survived six months behind the cabinet. What did the snake eat? Did the snake come out at night and was wondering around the floor while they were sleeping? No one will know. One thing is for sure the snake did not hurt anyone. All we know is that the snake was lost six months ago and now the snake was found. The snake was looking great. It was a happy, healthy snake.

The snake was clever hiding behind the cabinet for about six months. Mom thinks he might have been eating some spiders. We will never fully know. One thing is for sure the snake has escaped two teenage boys and hid behind a big cabinet which probably helped him survive. After this endeavor of losing and finding a snake, the boys decided to let the snake go.

I imagine how happy the snake was when he touched real dirt and grass again.

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did,

Thank you for reading,


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