Love cooking and making new things? Nothing better then picking up fresh ingredients from the garden and using them right away in creating a dish. I like to experiment with different flavors. We have our own chickens and the eggs are amazing. All the dishes have farm fresh eggs. Our chickens are happy chickens, they run around, eat greens and bugs. I hope you will enjoy some of the recipes I created.

Fresh summer salad from the garden:
2-3 cups of fresh mixed greens spinach, beet greens, lettuce mix, pea greens and flowers. 1/2 cup fresh tomatoes, 1-2 tbsp red currents, calendula petals for decoration. Recommend balsamic vinegar for dressing. Enjoy.

Eggs with spinach:
A dish like this is good at any time. Use small sauce pan, add 1/2 tbsp olive oil. let the oil warm up a little then add 1/4 cup cut up onion. Saute for a few minutes. Cut up about 1/2 cup organic baby spinach add to the pan, mix and immediately 2 eggs that you beat up before. Use low heat and turn eggs after 2-3 minutes, leave for another minute, serve. I used Icelandic gray lava salt for the eggs it gives a wonderful flavor. On the side one green onion, a small tomato, one small cucumber and a 1/4 avocado. Used Icelandic black lava salt to flavor side veggies. Enjoy.

Caper-berry Burgers
2 large green cabbage leaves, 1/2 cup onions, 1 large mushroom, few cherry tomatoes cut in half, 4 caper-berries cut in half, 2 veggie or soy burgers of your choice, salt and pepper to taste, ! large pickle, 2 tsp horseradish, 2 tsp barbecue sauce
Saute sliced onions and sliced mushroom until golden brown. Slice up tomatoes, caper-berries and pickle. Warm up burgers per package instructions. I warm mine in the microwave then saute them until brown in a pan. Start with your cabbage leaves, add the burgers, on top of the burgers add the horseradish and barbecue sauce. Place on sliced pickles. Add onion and mushroom mix, then add caper-berries and tomato slices. I like the cabbage leaves they add a nice crunch. Enjoy.

Pineapple Dessert
2 slice of 1/2 inch pineapple, 1 banana sliced in half, 1/4 cup sliced dates, 1 tbsp water, 1 tbsp coconut almond milk, 1 tsp butter, cinnamon.
Saute pineapples and banana in a pan, you can add a little butter under the banana if you like pineapples take longer, add banana when pineapple is almost ready. On a separate small pan add water, cocoa powder, hint of cinnamon, butter and coconut almond milk. Cook 1 minute, add sliced dates. cook 2-3 minutes until dates tender and absorb most of the liquid. Place the pineapple on the bottom of the plate, add the bananas and place the cocoa covered dates on top. Very Yummy. Enjoy.

Veggie Scramble
1/2 cup sliced onion, 1/2 cup sliced mushroom, 1 tomato, 4-5 pre- cooked asparagus. Cucumbers for the side. Salt and pepper to taste.
Saute onion and mushroom on a little olive oil until start to brown 2-3 minutes, add tomato and asparagus, saute another 2 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy.