A Child – Gabriella Kőrösi
It is a wonder every morning when the sun shines to our earth.
What does it see you could ask?
Happiness or cries? No. A child.
Rubbish of cement and shells of bullets?
Imagine a child: He is beautiful.
Standing in nothing, he has nothing,
Nothing and nobody who could help him,
His house was shoot down with a bomb yesterday.
His family is missing.
There he is. Standing with nothing,
In a middle of rubbish in a cold-hearted war.
The sun wakes up and smiles its rays.
The child smiles back.
He has no future,
He has no past,
Only the present moment.
His heart is filled with happiness.
May 9 2008
If I Could Be – Gabriella Kőrösi
If I could be
Anyone I want to be
Anything I can be
What would I be?
I would be a crow
Knocking on the window.
If I could be
Anyone I want to be
Anything I can be
What would I be?
I would be a black cat
Curled up in your lap.
If I could be
Anyone I want to be
Anything I can be
What would I be?
I would be a black dog
Sleeping in your bed.
If I could be
Anyone I want to be
Anything I can be
What would I be?
I would be a bat
sitting on your head.
If I could be
Anyone I want to be
Anything I can be
What would I be?
I would be a hound
That just keep rolling around.
If I could be
Anyone I want to be
Anything I can be
What would I be?
I would be the one
who loves you more than anyone.
Imagine – Gabriella Kőrösi
Moments are flying,
Going fast and slow,
Some you will remember,
Some you just let go.
It makes you wonder: What have you missed?
Moments of love, passion and joy
You hope to remember.
Moments of sadness
Hate and despair,
You hope to send away, never to find again.
Many moments will come and go
Which are the ones that you will follow?
Invisible Lines – Gabriella Kőrösi
Poverty and violence,
We might decide not to see it,
Walking down the street,
The boy who is hungry,
The neighborhood that is dirty.
We may choose to close our eyes.
Not much to see,
Just a boy with his dog,
With a gun in his hand.
We can also decide to open our eyes,
to the invisible barriers of this day,
the judgement we create,
the dirt we make.
The boy is black,
the street is dark.
A place with no hope.
No justice.
Today – Gabriella Kőrösi
Open your eyes:
Wake up today.
Look at the sun,
Look at the sky.
Enjoy the moment.
Every day.
Smile to strangers.
Live your life,
This day is the best day,
You will ever have,
You will never know,
it might be the last day you ever have.
Smile today.
Enjoy the day,
5/8/2012 – Edited 5/17/2020
Today 2 -Gabriella Kőrösi
The sun is shining,
Rain is dropping,
Wind is blowing,
Smoke is climbing.
Turkeys are flying,
Cats are sleeping,
Dogs are yawning,
Bugs are biting.
People are walking,
Birds are flying,
Boats are gliding,
Mice are hiding.
Becomes another day.
Today will be yesterday.
Tomorrow will be today.
The way we live.