Unwrapping the present
by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

Do you remember them? Those moments when you were thinking I wish this moment would last forever. It is just perfect. Everything is the way it is supposed to be. You feel pure joy and happiness. You feel harmony and oneness with everything and everyone.
There are moments in our life. Precious moments. When everything seems just right. Have you had one of those moments? I hope you had many. Sometimes those moments come when you least expect them. They can surprise you anywhere at any time.
It can be right here right now while you are reading this article are or you are hearing me talking about it. I believe life is truly amazing and I treasure those precious moments whenever they come.
I feel fortunate to have had many of those wonderful precious moments in my life throughout my days. All I need to do is close my eyes for a second, take a nice deep breath, and feel the serenity, the joy, and the oneness around me.
It is truly wonderful to be able to feel this way. I feel blessed and grateful to be able to experience the wonders of life in the peaceful moments when you feel everything’s good, everything the way it’s supposed to be, and it is going to be okay.
Life can bring hardships and difficulties into our lives; that could be trouble at work, at home, with your car, with your family. It is important to take the time and enjoy your precious moments. Enjoy the present and treasure them. Take that second as you step out the door to look up at the sun and the sky.
Enjoy the view. Look at the trees take a breath and just stand there, stop to stop for a moment. The more you stop and enjoy the present moment the more you will have the feeling of those perfect moments, and the feeling of oneness and serenity around you.
It is also helpful if you come up with a little mantra for yourself whatever works in those moments when you stop Mine is I am love. I am joy. I am gratefulness my home is stillness.
I am sure you have heard me using these words before they still stay with me and provide the peace and joy I need in my life. I hope they bring you the same feeling.
I truly believe that when you tap into the stillness in the present moment around you: you will have the feeling that everything you need is already within you.
You are amazing. You have the most beautiful power that anyone can ever have. Love and joy and the stillness of the perfect moment are already within you.
Thank you for reading or listening.
I wish you many perfect moments in your life.