If I Could Be – Free Audio files

From my published book here it is a Free – Poetry and Short Story book – audio recording by Gabriella

I hope you will enjoy this recording. The poems are in English and Hungarian. The short stories are in English. Two of the short stories are non fiction and one is fiction.

The past year had brought much sadness and uncertainty into our lives. Living in a COVID -19 Pandemic had created a lot of challenges for families and individuals.

If I Could be is one of my favorite poems. My goal was to create joy and spark the imagination. About a year ago, I was reading this poem again and decided it would be great to make it into a little project. I contacted friends and family with the idea. After many months, e-mails, texts, and creative art the poem, short story and art book was born. I also added some previously written poems and short stories that are fun and add joyfulness to the book. This book is different from my more serious writings. It is meant to be.

My aim with this little book to bring some light and fun into our daily lives. I would like to say thank you for all the people who made this little poem and short story book happen, including family and friends who been encouraging me. Thank you for all the artists who volunteered and created drawings and paintings, sent me pictures for this book to bring joy to others.

Part 1 – Poetry English and Hungarian

  1. Change
  2. Our Path to Wellness
  3. If I could be
  4. Imagine
  5. Where?
  6. Beautiful day
  7. New beginning
  8. Good day
  9. Your day
  10. Nature
  11. Eagle
  12. Imagination
  13. Make a wish
  14. The third one
  15. Loving
  16. Love and Hope
  17. The river
  18. I am
  19. All
  20. Light

The Bee Story: Nonfiction short story

New Beginnings: Fiction – short story

Part 4 – Lost my pants in Texas: Nonfiction short story of a road trip from Oregon to Texas

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