Smoke in Our Air and Fire in Our Life

by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

The only thing that I can see around me are hazy trees and roads. The air quality has been getting worse and worse the last few days. Normally, I would be able to see between the Oregon to Washington state line. I would be able to watch the rolling hills and mountains in Washington state and the ships passing by on the Columbia River. None of those things can be seen now.  One could imagine a thick fog, but it is not. I would be able to breathe through fog. Even the naturally vibrant evergreen trees seem to be blurred and out of focus. Stepping outside the front porch and driving to work yesterday morning I felt this overwhelming doom. The environment looked very sad. I could not see the sun, there was just a dim light through the smoke and a faint circle of light instead of the glorious glowing rays. I was wondering if our Earth is trying to tell us something. It feels like a fight for our existence. We are dealing with an uncontrolled pandemic, raging fires, unhealthy and hazardous air.

What will be next? Is Earth trying to kick us out? We can’t breathe the air, we can’t socialize, there is not enough clean water, our lands are being destroyed and people have to be evacuated. Wildfires are everywhere including the Arctic Circle called “zombie fire”.  The Smithsonian reported a few days ago that the emissions from this fire is about 244 megaton carbon this year so far compared to 181 megatons in 2019 (Fox, 2020). There is no way to control it. Fires are record high this year and currently there are 133 fires across the United States with 48 of those fires are not contained at this time (ARCGIS, 2020).  I have friends and colleagues who are getting calls from family to see if they could be a part of their evacuation plan. I am getting calls from my family and friends checking on us making sure things are not burning where I am.

The Air and the Sun in Astoria, Oregon 9/11/2020

Is this how it is going to be? More and more natural disasters? I had a conversation with a friend yesterday who mentioned that she was surprised that there are not even more fires with all the people who are throwing out cigarette buds from their cars. I did observe one of those fires on the side of the road while traveling along I-5 last week. Today, I feel that my eyes are dry and itchy, my sinuses and head are hurting, my throat is scratchy, I can feel that my lungs are not happy, and I am coughing up phlegm occasionally. My voice is raspy. My mucus membranes are irritated and dry because of the smoke. I feel like I continuously have to drink fluids to soothe my throat. It does not seem to be helping. It just hurts.

 Looking at the fire maps of Oregon in our area the air is declared unhealthy now. There are areas where the fire is so bad that the air is hazardous. Not breathable. The public health recommendation is to stay indoors, close doors and windows and use a filtration system. Well, the smoke creeps indoors and not everyone has a filtration system. People with any disadvantages, lower socioeconomic status and battling with any immunological or lung disease will be more effected by the smoke. It does not help that we are already in a middle of a pandemic with raging COVID -19 everywhere.  Sheltering is more difficult in this situation.

Stores are sold out of air purifiers. People are being upset. Hurt. Confused. I am hoping for rain. I hope that it will come soon and bring some relief in these fires. It is a weird cycle for sure. We need trees to produce oxygen, yet now they are burning and cannot help us, other times we cut them down disrupting the natural water cycle. Trees evaporate water that goes into our atmosphere and comes back down as rain. Every year we have millions of acres of forests lost by fire. Every year we destroy more of our forests by cutting down more trees. We literally stopping our oxygen and water supply.

How long humanity can survive like this? Maybe we could plant a tree as often as we can and stop creating more damage to our Earth and surrounding environments. Maybe there is some hope for our future generations to survive on this planet. There are a lot of good people and organizations that are trying to help and make things better by recycling, reusing products, decreasing waste. Creating rain drops by one good action at a time.

I hope you will be one of those people.

I am thankful our planet, our existence and I am grateful for each and every person.


ARCGIS (2020)  retrieved from,38.34,5

Fox, Alex (2020) retrieved from

Waste: The way we live

Waste: The way we live

            Opening the front door. Taking a few slow steps. Standing outside and feeling the morning breeze on my face, listening to the joyful conversations of the birds. Looking at green trees with rain drops falling slowly down from the leaves. Picking fresh berries and peas growing in the garden. Taking a deep breath in from the fresh and crisp morning air. Looking at the sun rise. I feel joy for a moment. I feel really fortunate to still be able to have this experience every morning when I wake up and go outside. It makes me wonder how many more mornings will I be so fortunate? Too many people don’t have this same experience anymore. Either they are too sick to be able to go outside or the air is too polluted where they live to be able to enjoy being outside.

In the past few days, I had multiple conversations with friends, co-workers and family about the way we live. The conversations started after I wrote an article about nuclear waste and our environment. People I talked with felt very compassionate about this topic. Ranges of emotions were in the air. All of the discussions ended with similar conclusions. We had come up with more questions than answers. The way we live is not sustainable. Multiple questions circled around us. How did we get here? How can we stop and reverse the effects and the harm we have done? Is it even possible to reverse the consequences and destructions caused by all the waste we been producing or did we go down on the road so steep that there is no return? Did we ruined our planet and our existence with creating so much waste that causes harm? Why are we using  and producing so many products that are harmful for us, our children, animals and our environment? Could we drink the water from our streams? Rivers? Probably not. Most of our waters are too polluted to be able to use them for drinking, cooking, or bathing. Our air we breathe, the water we drink and food including plants animals we consume can make us very sick. The waste we create from manufacturing products makes us unwell. Air pollution causes lung problems, people have difficulty breathing, develop asthma and chronic diseases. Water pollution creates multiple stomach problems, cancers, diarrhea. Eating polluted foods creates multiple stomach problems, viruses, toxins building up in our bodies causing poisoning, cancers, and death.  

As far as I am aware our planet earth is the only one where we can live right now.  Is it possible to change our way and create more sustainable living? Is it possible to live on our planet with respect and love for our environment? Can we afford not to change our ways? The way we are living right now is leading us in the wrong direction. We had created a situation that ultimately hurries us towards our own extinction. What would it take to care more about each other, our environment and planet more than about wealth, power, and money? We cannot breathe in money. Money cannot make us healthy once diseases conquer our bodies. Could we learn to live in a respectful way and leave no footprint and leave our environment in a better condition for our children? Could we learn to respect plants and animals instead of just using and abusing them? Could we learn to use natural products instead of chemicals? Could we eat products that are not perfect but organic?

For all of us I hope we can.

Garbage on the Beach

Yesterday I went with my family to the beach. It has been stormy the last few days and we wanted to see how the water looks and what kinds of things had been washed up to shore. We went to Fort Stevens State Park in Warrenton, Oregon. There are multiple places where we could go out to the beach. It was raining some, but we kept going. We ended up at the South Jetty site first where a construction of the Jetty was going on. It was interesting to observe the huge rocks being dumped to re-build the Jetty. The water was very high and hitting the Jetty very hard coming over to the other side in multiple places. It was amazing to watch so much power. It was almost like the water saying you can build, and I will destroy.

Then, we decided to explore the beach. We had to go to another area as the South Jetty was closed. We went to Area B and walked out to the beach through some woods. When we got to the top of a sand dune, we realized we can not go down, the water was in too much there was no place to walk. We stayed a little watched the water then decided to go look at another area. We ended up by the Shipwreck of the Peter Iredale. The water was in half of the parking lot was covered with sand; the restroom area was covered with sand. There was a lot of debris on the beach. Could not do down to the beach much because of the water but was able to walk on the side and the bottom edge of the sand dune. I took some plastic bags with me for garbage. There was a lot of garbage. I ended up with two bags full plus carried a big bottle of soda back. Found multiple foam fragments, a lighter, a ball, a piece of wire, rope fragments, 3 water bottles, another small bottle, and too many plastic caps, wrappers and plastic pieces to count. I was overwhelmed by the amount of garbage. I could have spent the whole day and not even make a dent.

Shipwreck Peter Iredale, Fort Stevens State Park Warrenton, Oregon 1-13-2020

I felt so sorry for our birds and sea animals that they have to deal with all this garbage that we created. There is no escape for them. They don’t know the difference between a seed or a piece of plastic. I have been overwhelmed by sadness thinking about it. Every time I go to the beach, I take a plastic bag and pick up stuff. I know it is not much, but it is something. However, I think we need to do more as a society to reduce waste that hurts our environment, other animals and ultimately it hurts us. I think if waste continues this way, we will end up drowning in our own garbage. I am very grateful that there are no more plastic bags in Oregon in the stores. I think we need to get plastic out of our lives as much as we can. I saw a documentary recently showing pats of the world drowning in the plastic garbage that we created, and people are getting sick. I think we can do more. Each of us can make conscious choices and demand change. I want future generations to be able to enjoy this planet and be able to walk on the beach without seeing piles of garbage.  

The beach, Fort Stevens State park 1-13-2020
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